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Calcined Petroleum Coke

آلرتیس اویل

Chemical composition of petroleum coke
It is good to know that the chemical composition of petroleum coke is not fundamentally different from the composition of coal coke! Accordingly, the composition of this material is as follows:

Carbon (90-95%)
Sulfur (up to 3%)
Hydrogen (more than 1%)
A mixture of nitrogen and oxygen (about 1.5%)
and some different metals

24 ماه گارانتی

500 تومان


Petroleum coke is a byproduct of the oil refining industry and refers to all types of carbonaceous solids derived from oil refining, including crude, calcined and needle coke. It should be noted that this coke is used in many applications, including electrodes and anodes. It is also widely used as a fuel in steel and brick industries. In other words, petroleum coke is a relatively cheap material with high calorific value and carbon content with good chemical stability, which makes it an efficient and economical fuel for the production of metal, bricks and related products. Since most of the content of this material is the carbon element, it provides the necessary heat and burns without causing significant pollution. In the following, some of the most important characteristics of petroleum coke are discussed:

It has a specific and poisonous smell and is easily flammable.
It is obtained from processed coal tar.

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